Thursday 29 November 2012

Aku & Big Apple

emmmmmm......... sape suke mkn DONUT? rasenye sgt sweet, lemak berkrim, slurrppppp dap nye, sila lap air liur anda huhu...pasti sume taw apa itu BIG APPLE, antara DUNKIN DOUGHNUT dan BIG APPLE mane lagi best, oh mestilah BIG APPLE.
baiklah, disini aku nk citekan ckit ttg BIG APPLE ni, ramai yang confused akan origin brand ni kn, aku nk korang berbangga bahawasanya BIG APPLE ni adalah original MADE IN MALAYSIAN bkn U.S or sedaerah dgnnye dan BIG APPLE ni ada byk branch di serata dunia, at kampung aku saja da ada 2 buah iaitu di TESCO dan AEON. Mari lihat apa jenis donut yang ada...Slurrpppp yummy :-P

ha ni dia aku borong semalam dr THE GARDEN MALL, ank sedara aku yang order menda ni so aku plak smp telan air liur teringat2, aiyaa makan sampai muntah...
ada 12 ketul kesemuanya dgn berbagai jenis, emm byk perasa coklat kan, oh I LOVE IT, favourite  aku yang ada cheese tu, oh aku mmg suke cheese, cheese o cheese knp ak suke ko? sbb ko mmg sedap slurrppp, hakhak makin debab la aku cmni

senarai harga donut BIG APPLE
1 pcs = RM 2.50
6 pcs = RM 15 kot..xsure
12 pcs = RM 25
* ada jugak package donashi yg mane ianya bentuk bulat2 kecik dan bmacam2 perisa (save package) price aku x ingatla

kelebihan donut ni
tekstur nye y lembut, dan empuk serta gebusssss..slurrppp
flavour yang pelbagai versi ada choco, cheese, fruity dan lain-lain, macam macam ada
rupa make-up yang menarik dan mencairkan hati tgk ats tu ada bunge2 lg ngapp, tergoda aww
krg kolestrol, jgn risau x obes la mkn ni
yang penting, ianya enak smp menjilat jari la  sng citer..
kiranye puashati la law mkn donut ni n pricenye berpatutan..erkk kekenyangan

* jangan lupe minum air kosong byk2 utk elakkan kencing manis taw....

Tuesday 27 November 2012


aha ni ak n BE 

ok skunk ni ak nak kongsi dgn anda di luar sana yang nak tau ttg Beutskin ni, ak pon cam korang gak teringin sangat nak lawo ni ,FYI ak bru je gune beutskin sekotak awl bulan ari tu so now ak nak show la pic ke pic, before amek semasa amek n selepas amek..Jom kita lihat 

ni sebelum ak tau pebenda BE
muka aku kira elok la xde jerawat
kan n muke muke pn agk gelap n "merelip" gitu
nah yang ni lak bru 2weeks ak  amek BE , acne sume kua bleluasa at muke ak ni hadoi n ak ni plak owner jari jemari y gatai pantang ad acne mule nk "keroteh" bak kate org PERAK..hehe

ak selepas 3weeks amek BE, emm acne msh ad tp agk kering n xkua y bru but msh ad kesan  dy, cme nk kate cerah tu ak xtaw la plak..korang ad npk ke perubahan dy...well u decide it, to be honest ak rse ade.

cara pengambilan BE my version
2 biji setiap pg time perut kosong n 2biji sebelum tido pon time perot kosong jgk taw.
ak ni jns xsuke telan kapsul, mse 1st ak telan BE ni ngan sarung kapsul tu skali then ianya buat aku tcekik n kehausan so ak pakai alternative len dgn memecahkan kapsul dlm mulut n sarungnye BOOM ak buang dlm tong sampah, then it feels much better, rsenye pon ok n ak sukakannye...
SO bln ni ak nk beli lg stok BE ni, coz bg ak ianya OK n EFFECTIVE, ape y perlu dlm diri hanyela SABAR dan SABAR lg...w/p BE ni leh thn gak price dy but nk wat cmne da nme pon POMPUAN mst nk lawo ye x...ok c u next time.

Monday 5 March 2012

Fear, isolation and violence that only YOU can help to take away...

Fear, isolation and violence that only YOU can help to take away...: The fight for survival is a daily battle for refugees and asylum seekers in Malaysia. Coming from countries such as Burma, refugees are forced to flee from their homelands in pursuit of safety from oppressive conditions such as confiscation of homes, forced labor, systematic rape and torture. However, their efforts to gain freedom in Malaysia are short-lived due to discrimination from local employers. Refugees and asylum seekers work in situations where they face verbal and physical abuse from employers, low/unpaid wages, and long working hours in exploitative conditions. Question is, where is the humanity in all of this?Agree to stand up against forced labor and human trafficking by signing a Petition Letter to the Prime Minister of Malaysia today! Petition available here :

Thursday 1 March 2012

march march march...
- byr moto, rumah, moto nye maintenance, shopping n balek kg..yeahooooo
- arghhh... cptnye wang ku hbs..lalala...tu la hidup kerja,dpt duet then berlakula kehidupan... shingga akhirnye

Tuesday 21 February 2012
hye all..if korang tbe2 nk check click la link ats ni k..
pd y 1st time lawat blog ni...welcome k n thanks coz sudi visit blog y xseberapa ni..xbyk bhn g y ak nk maskkn..tgu yer coz I'll try to make this blog fun n creative as i can.. :-)

Tuesday 14 February 2012

teringat zaman sekolah lebih best bile da dewasa ni..
macam-macam boleh buat kan...
cita-cita n impian yang belum tercapai lagi perlu dilaksanakan..